Welcome to LogoLeague.com

Welcome to LogoLeague.com

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"where the best of the best compete"

Dear sir/madam,

Exciting news from LogoLeague.com! We're here to transform you into a logo expert using our AI tools. Just last week, we introduced our AI Brief feature. (LogoLeague.com/brief)

Simply provide some basic information about your company or project, and our AI Brief will craft a comprehensive logo design brief for you. 

Check out the attached recording to see it in action.


A Premier Logo Design Contest Platform 

LogoLeague.com hosts top logo design contests. We are the leading global platform allowing clients and designers to collaborate and create remarkable custom logo designs. We combine the most user-friendly creative design processes with an extraordinary worldwide league of talented logo designers. Our mission is to provide an inspiring and user-friendly platform for our clients and designers, fostering the refinement of the design process. We encourage clients and designers to co-manage the production of unique logo designs. LogoLeague.com

Our Clients

Sign up now to launch your first contest! The process is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Complete our "Design Brief" so we can understand your logo design needs and specifications.

  2. Choose the League Level of Contest (LogoLeague.com is organized into different "Leagues," similar to sports teams, each with a specific prize package and access to participating logo design artists).

  3. Launch your contest and have a blast while receiving the best logo design you've ever had – guaranteed!


Our Designers

While collaborating with LogoLeague.com, our designers are provided with an incredible platform to showcase their work, refine their skills, and earn substantial income by doing what they love: designing logos.

About Us - LogoLeague.com

LogoLeague.com is a cutting-edge logo design contest platform that collaborates directly with clients and designers to create the finest logo designs globally! Founded by Betina Tomeo, Designer and Director of the Guerra Creativa platform, and Peter van Grinsven, founder of Connaxis, LogoLeague.com was born out of their extensive experience running Guerra Creativa, the world's largest Spanish-language logo design contest site for over a decade. Our mission is to usher both logo designers and clients into this exciting new era. LogoLeague.com

Betina Tomeo: A passionate logo designer and champion

Betina Tomeo is not just an accomplished logo designer; she's the top-scoring logo contest designer herself. With 124 contest wins and over USD 25,000 in earnings, she intimately understands the design process. Her wealth of experience led her to envision a new and improved platform, enhanced by Artificial Intelligence to get the best results. Betina sought to apply the knowledge gained over the years, aiming to deliver world-class logos to our clients at affordable prices. She decided to focus exclusively on logos and introduced a league-based contest system, pitting the best against the best, just like in traditional contests. LogoLeague.com

Peter van Grinsven: A visionary in digital transformation

Over the past 25 years, Peter van Grinsven has cultivated a strong background in digital consulting and outsourcing through his company Connaxis. His passion lies in driving improvements in digital transformation and making a meaningful impact. Connaxis has consistently crafted exceptional experiences for clients worldwide. "With LogoLeague, we've crafted an exceptional client experience for managing logo design contests. Think of it as orchestrating a brainstorming session where you sift through hundreds of designs from numerous designers to find the perfect fit for your business. We've developed an intuitive process for on-the-fly design mixing and matching, all while engaging in real-time conversations with designers to achieve even better results. Partnering with our creative hive consistently produces spectacular outcomes." LogoLeague.com

Our Mission: Empowering You with Unique Logo Designs

The mission of LogoLeague.com is straightforward: Creating value, through graphic design, employing cutting-edge AI and Web3 tools to shape the visual landscape of tomorrow. Our platform is structured akin to sports leagues—designers advance to higher leagues with each victory, and clients can select prize packages based on their budget and desired designer expertise level. LogoLeague.com

Here's How It Works:

  1. Small business owners or marketing managers (clients) initiate a project on LogoLeague.com

  2. Multiple designers organized into their respective leagues, follow project specifications to craft and submit their winning designs.

  3. The client selects a winner, and the contest award is awarded to the victorious logo designer.

How LogoLeague.com Benefits You:

For Small Business Owners and Marketing Managers:

  • Access a global pool of talent

  • Set a defined budget

  • Achieve cost-effective results

For Graphic/Web Designers:

  • Expand your exposure and client base

  • Build a proven portfolio

  • Network with fellow design enthusiasts

LogoLeague.com We take immense pride in the remarkable individuals who gather here. We're so confident in the fun and competitive atmosphere of our contest format that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee—no questions asked! LogoLeague.com allows contest holders, designers, and visitors to follow the entire creative process, ensuring a seamless experience while protecting all parties involved. Trust us with your logo, and let LogoLeague.com become your go-to platform for logo design contests.

Solid Money-Back Guarantee

LogoLeague contests are very successful and it will be most unlikely that you will not ask for or require a refund. That is why we offer our "Money-Back Guarantee". Generally speaking, most of the refunds issued are due to the client being unable to complete the contest because of unpredicted circumstances. If you require a refund from LogoLeague, please note the following:

  1. You will receive a 100% refund if you do not receive at least 50entries.

  2. If you receive 50 entries or more, we will refund your money less a $75 consolation prize that will be awarded to the winning designer.

We don't want any client to be unsatisfied or any designers to be out of time and materials for a contest that could not be completed. No matter what, LogoLeague does not keep any of the prize money designated for the contest. LogoLeague.com

Our Contests

LogoLeague.com contests are meticulously organized and efficient. Our platform enables direct and private communication between the client and designer throughout the process. We also supply all the necessary legal documents for legitimate ownership of the logo design upon the conclusion of the contest. Everyone actively participates in and supports this highly creative and captivating process of crafting an original and compelling logo.

Extending your Contest

If a client is not fully satisfied with the progress of their contest, we are ready to assist. We can offer guidance and suggestions to the designers to help get things back on track. Additionally, you may request a free extension.


Generally, LogoLeague contests, once completed, are searchable online and can be seen by the Internet public audience.

Private contests

You can elect to keep your LogoLeague contest completely private. The fee is $50, and you must select the "Private Contest" option in, the last step of the logo contest brief before launching your contest. This status deems the contest unsearchable online and will block all processes from public view. If you need to switch your contest to private status, there will most likely be some temporary indexing by the public search engines. Unless you give permission, the designers are not permitted to include work for "Private Contest" in their online portfolios or profiles. LogoLeague.com

Name on Your Logo

In the first stage, you provide the name that will be used in the logo design contest. The image in the logo is called the isologotipo. This will be created within the contest and should capture the essence of the project you create the logo for. You can also decide to include a slogan as part of your logo. For example, the slogan 'STAY COMPETITIVE' in the logo of Connaxis, is shown below. This way you have three elements: the name, the isologotipo, and the slogan.

LogoLeague: the place where you find the best logo for a brand

The logo for a brand is the cornerstone of any business. Acting as the visible face of the venture, a good logo is crucial for establishing a connection with the public. It serves as the first impression consumers have of a brand, conveying its personality, values, and professionalism. A distinctive logo design not only helps to stand out in a saturated market but also builds trust. Moreover, a well-crafted logo is a powerful tool for brand differentiation. With all this in mind, the question arises: where to find the best logo? And to answer, we want to talk to you about LogoLeague.

A page where the best logo wins

LogoLeague.com is a truly innovative platform. There, the search for a brand's logo becomes an exciting and efficient experience. Through design contests, the platform allows exploring a variety of options. And all this while collaborating with creative designers to choose the logo that best reflects the business. By participating in a contest on LogoLeague.com, brands have the opportunity to receive proposals from various designers. And each of them brings their vision and creativity to the project. This diversity of approaches ensures a range of options to choose from. Thus, it is possible to ensure that the final logo is not only aesthetically attractive but also authentic and representative. What is distinctive about LogoLeague.com is the ability to review and evaluate multiple proposals before making a decision. This not only simplifies the logo selection process for a brand. It also ensures that the client has the opportunity to choose a design that meets their specific expectations and needs. The platform stands out for its efficiency, facilitating the management of design contests easily and quickly. In addition, the support of a team of specialized designers ensures the quality and originality of the proposals. Ultimately, LogoLeague.com not only simplifies the search for the best logo. It also business logo offers a unique and collaborative experience to build a brand's visual identity.

Why choose LogoLeague.com?

  1. Variety and Customization. Participate in an exciting logo design contest where multiple creative minds compete to bring your vision to life. Get a variety of options and customization that adapts to the unique identity of your brand.

  2. Efficiency and Affordability. The platform simplifies the contest management process to make it easy. Thus, you can obtain a quality logo for your brand without sacrificing the budget.

  3. Money-back Guarantee. If in the contest to find the ideal logo you do not find one that satisfies you, receiving less than 50 entries, you can ask for your money back. In this way, LogoLegue is deeply concerned about the satisfaction and happiness of its clients.

  4. Intellectual Property Rights. Once the winner of the logo for a brand has been chosen, the page ensures intellectual property rights. This way, you can protect your brand with the confidence of owning a unique and original logo

  5. Positive Support. Customer feedback is crucial for this website, and their reviews prove it. To date, this platform has helped hundreds of businesses stand out with impressive logos.


There is no doubt that LogoLeague.com stands as the ideal destination to find the best logo for a brand. Recognizing the fundamental importance of the logo as the visible face of any business, the platform offers a unique experience through design contests. This collaborative approach allows brands to explore a variety of options. Thus, the final best business logo will not only be aesthetically attractive but also authentic and representative of its identity. The efficiency in managing contests, backed by a team of specialized designers, ensures the quality and originality of the proposals. In short, LogoLeague.com not only simplifies the search for the best logo but also provides a comprehensive and satisfying experience for building any brand's unique visual identity. We hope to see you at


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